Sponsored Events and Charities
Probation Auxiliary County of Kern (P.A.C.K.)
Probation Auxiliary County of Kern (P.A.C.K.) is a non-profit corporation chartered in October, 1976. P.A.C.K. is an organization that assists youth in the Juvenile Justice system and those at-risk.
R.O.S.E Mentoring Program
The R.O.S.E. (Realizing Options for Student Excellence) was established in 1994 to support young women in their junior and senior years of high school.
Youth Connection
Youth Connection was established with a commitment of keeping Kern County youth out of the Juvenile Justice System. The goal of Youth Connection is to prevent delinquency though early intervention. Youth Connection improves the lives of children, ages 6-13, by connecting them to community programs in the hopes of redirecting their lives with positive structure program. We believe “Redirection by Connection” is the answer.
Baker to Vegas
120 miles of pavement, 20 stages, over 8,000 runners, guests, family members, and support staff. Hot days and cold nights. Blood. Sweat. Pride. Honor... That’s what the world’s most prestigious and unique law enforcement foot race is all about.